It's been quite a while since I last posted anything here. Not because nothing has happened, but rather because lots has happened, albeit not necessarily VIVE-related (we moved, sold our pool business, have been renovating, went away for a bit and then lost our precious Cirrus quite unexpectedly in Feb 2010). Our little group of Van-Isle-based Vizsla enthusiasts has met on various occasions throughout the year and we always have fun.
Today's entry has been prompted by the exciting new arrival in the Vitali household: Hektor (AKA Country's Gonna Getcha Good)! Here are some shots of the new addition, who flew all the way from Florida to Washington at barely 8 weeks of age and then endured a long ride up the coast into Canada and across to his new home on glorious Vancouver Island. This will hopefully bring us out of hiding and mean more frequent updates to the blog!