Saturday, 31 January 2009


Hey, I can see that a couple of my VI-based friends have made it here. Lovely, lovely!! To mark the momentous occasion, here are a couple pix of little Miss Annie in her early days at the pool. She is now a seasoned swimmer. I think we will have to hold a Vizswim day and get a whole load of ginger splashers here for that. What say you? Pool and potluck perhaps? It would have to be a Sunday ... does anyone want to start suggesting dates?


  1. Checking out flight times. And packing our bags. Bikinis - tick. Apres pool wear - tick. Yep we're ready. Taxi!

  2. Redgirls are ALWAYS welcome in the pool!

  3. Hello-Finally made it over to your blog. I have been a little lazy lately but wanted to say hello. And yes, I suppose we are related through Sylvia. :-)



  4. Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog, I've only just come across your comment on Jana in the stubble field! I agree that it may seem painful but I don't think it is, she is definitely having FUN! The paps cope too and they're a lot lower to the ground.
    How long have you been in Vancouver? My brother emigrated there about two years ago and he loves it. Looks a fab place.....even if there are no stubble fields!
